Easter Egg Fertility Ritual With Cacao

After the darkness of winter, Easter is a bright and beautiful time of rebirth and renewal. We can see new life emerging everywhere in nature as the days grow longer, the fields are full of lambs, and the first flowers begin to blossom.

Just like nature, we can use the rising energy of spring to fertilise and nurture our projects and creations so they come to fruition during harvest season later in the year.

In this Easter egg fertility ritual, we infuse ceremonial chocolate eggs with our aims and intentions, before eating them so they literally become part of us, giving us the power to birth and manifest them into the world. For extra magic, we recommend doing this ritual on the new moon, and this April you have two to choose from with new moons on the 1st and 30th of the month.

We’d love to know how you get on!

Share your cacao Easter eggs with us on Instagram @Ritual_Cacao


17 April 2022


What you’ll need:

·       75g Ritual Cacao

·       50g raw honey or maple syrup

·       Small chocolate egg moulds (If you don’t have these, you can always use ice cube trays. Your ‘eggs’ might come out more square than round, but they’ll still do the trick)

The ritual:

1.     Gather your ingredients together at a time when your tasks for the day are complete and you won’t be disturbed or interrupted.

2.     Create sacred space by lowering the lights, burning some incense and playing some high vibrational sounds, mantras or music of your choice so you feel calm and relaxed.

3.     Slowly add the ingredients into a Bain Marie, or a glass bowl over a saucepan of water, with the lowest possible heat.

4.     Stir with a metal spoon until everything is melted together and smooth. As you do this, visualise the chocolate mix being infused with your aims and intentions. Try to focus on feelings you wish to generate, such as love and abundance, rather than focusing on particular outcomes.

5.     Remove the chocolate mix from the heat and pour into moulds (or ice cube trays), keeping a few tablespoons of the mixture in the pan.

6.     Put the moulds in the freezer to set for at least 20 minutes.

7.     Once set, remove the moulds from the freezer. Use a brush to paint a small amount of the remaining chocolate mixture over the flat side of an egg half, before sticking it together with the flat side of another egg half to create whole eggs.

8.     Continue this process until you have combined all the egg halves and now have a set of whole solid chocolate eggs.

9.  You can now mindfully eat your eggs, visualising yourself ingesting and absorbing your intentions as they melt on your tongue.

10.  Store any remaining eggs in the fridge so that when you feel tired, distracted or your dreams feel far away, you can go back and reconnect to the energy you laid in the eggs. Easter Sunday in United Kingdom