Can Cacao Aid Athletic Performance?


Most of us know cacao as a beautiful medicine for body, mind and soul – but did you know it can also aid our athletic performance and recovery?

Inspired by the Olympics, we’ve been thinking about how cacao makes an excellent alternative to sugar-packed energy drinks and highly-caffeinated coffee, offering a steady boost of energy with none of the negative side effects. The Aztec Emperor Montezuma drank cacao in large quantities, describing it as a ‘divine drink which builds up resistance and fights fatigue’[1].

In this blog, we walk you through 5 ways cacao can support your athletic performance, endurance and recovery – and share a tasty new recipe for a cacao energy drink!


5 ways cacao supports athletic performance, endurance and recovery

1. A natural energy drink with zero sugar and no additives  

Most artificial energy drinks on the market today contain high amounts of sugar, caffeine and other additives such as taurine, guarana and ginseng – which together can over-stimulate our system and actually lead to dehydration and energy crashes. With zero sugar and no harmful additives, cacao can be blended into a natural energy drink that supports and nourishes our body rather than depleting it: check out our quick and easy recipe below.

2. Packed with nutrients to boost physical recovery

Cacao contains an abundance of nutrients that can help replenish our bodies following physical exercise, including iron, which helps carry oxygen from the lungs to cells all over the body, magnesium, which supports the proper function of bones and muscles, and potassium which may help prevent muscle cramps[2].

3. Improves blood circulation and cardiovascular health

Optimal blood flow to the heart and muscles both during and after exercise can lead to an enhanced performance and speedier recovery[3]. Cacao is rich in flavonoids – powerful antioxidant agents that support cardiovascular health – and nitrates, which dilate blood vessels, improve blood flow and reduce oxygen consumption, enabling athletes to go further for longer[4].

4. Powerful anti-inflammatory action

Want to eliminate the body aches that sometimes creep in a few hours after training? Research[5] shows that the polyphenols and flavonoids found in cacao can help lower inflammation[6], enhancing your recovery and allowing muscles to repair more efficiently.

5. A gentle pick me up – without the caffeine crash!

Unlike coffee, cacao builds energy slowly over a prolonged period of time. Containing about 75% less caffeine than coffee, cacao still offers a gentle pick-me-up – making it ideal for a pre-work-out energy boost – but without the harsh ‘spike and crash’ side effects. Cacao is also rich in theobromine, known to increase blood flow to the brain and enhance mental agility, focus and awareness – so whatever sport you play, you’ll always feel on top of your game!


Cacao energy drink

This quick and easy energy drink is a natural way to boost energy and fight fatigue… and with cacao, nuts and natural sweeteners, it tastes delicious too!


·       20 – 30g Ritual Cacao

·       1 organic banana

·       2 – 3 organic pitted dates

·       handful of almonds

·       oat or almond milk

Blend together and enjoy!

Want to feel the benefits of cacao for yourself?

Get your Ritual Cacao here.

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